Thursday, November 19, 2009

Finished 3 sculptures today! Click pics for large version.

Grumpy Old Chap - 2009
4mm wire, 2mm steel sheet. Spot weld an arc weld. Black hamerite.

Grandpa - 2009

4mm wire, spot and arc weld, black hamerite.

Untitled - 2009

Steel sheet strips, 150 x 2000mm, 4 & 5mm wire, arc welded. Black and silver hamerite, black and chrome spray paint.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Untitled - 2009

Paint markers, pencil on canvas. Finally finished this piece while killing some time today.. Pretty pleased with the result
Grandpa - 2009 (In progress)

4 mm wire, 3mm steel sheet. Spot and arc welded. Strong Calder inspired piece. I was more spontaneous and playful with the steel on this one, and it turned out like this. Probably because I've been doing alot of research on Calder lately. I was first intending to slap on shadows, but in the spirit of not overdoing, I decided not to..
Grumpy Old Chap - 2009 (In progress)

4mm wire and 2mm steel sheet, spot and arc welded

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The King - 2009

Wire sculpture, spot welded 4 and 1mm kopper coated wire, cleaned and blackened

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Finished spot welding

Finally half-finished, still have to blacken the wire + inside and make a foot for it.. Happy with it so far though...

Thursday, November 05, 2009


Welded on the outline, plus some shadows. Click to se big version..

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Mercure: étude de danseur, 1924 by Pablo Picasso

Picassos one line drawings have inspired me a great deal in my work and drawings.

Jimmy Durante, 1928 by Alexander Calder

Here Calder shows his true genious in steel wire sculpturing. The charm is, this is the only angle this would make any sense. In my work, I chose to put the sculptures inside frames witch will provoke the viewer to look inside. I also use bits of wire to illustrate shadows.

Calders wire sculptures has certain similarities to Picassos one line drawings, see above post.
Bottle In Sunrise, 2009

Here I've continued on the idea of making steel "drawings". This piece, however is much smaller, it measures roughly 40x30 cm. This I find much more affordable and faster to produce.

Reference: Alexander Calder, Pablo Picasso

This is my second sculpture, halv ready. It's quite alot bigger than the first ones. The scale can be regarded by the phone on top of the sculpture. Here I've decided to use the circle as a frame for line drawings. converted to steel wire. I will post progress on this piece.

Reference: Alexander Calder

This is my two first sculptures. They are 2mm steel sheets welded together. The piece on the right one is the first one I did. On this piece I chose to grind down the welds and paint it, but after the basecoat, I wasn't really satisfied with the piece, it didn't really look like steel anymore. Therefore, I made a new one where I kept the welds to give it a more industrial, tuff look. The first one will eventually be sandblasted to regain it's metally look.

References: David Smith, Anthony Caro